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He’s got claws, tusks, a tail and…is he also breathing fire? Oh my.

Crash-landed on an alien planet where everything seems to want to kill her, I've got no choice but to rely on the hunter, Grizz, to help me stay alive, steer clear of the awful male I crashed with and find my family missing somewhere on the island.

Huge, green-skinned, with a tail, tusks and claws, Grizz seems so hot and cold. Could it be cultural differences? Why else would he be so reluctant to help me? Or…

…could it be that I've unlocked a fire-breathing monster within him that wants me, not just once, but to keep?

Eh. Seems unlikely.


Taken to Revatu is a 50k-word standalone orc shifter romance set in the Xiveri Mates universe and can be read at any point. Complete with an HEA, watch out on the way for threats of SA, sleep play, fully shifted dragon-human mating, and battles.

Taken to Revatu paperback

  • ★★★★★ “I cannot believe how much goodness we got in this single anthology! One of the stories that really stood out for me was Taken to Revatu by Elizabeth Stephens. How she built a whole world in such a short space really floored me. I loved the spice, the love, the culture, the environment, all of it!” - Ruthie Bowles, romance voice actress

    ★★★★ “Xiveri magic at its best.” - Lugo, Amazon reviewer

    ★★★★★ “Grizz and Latanya have so much hot af chemistry, with a soulmate bond for sure… They were a great addition to this already addicting Xiveri Mates world.” - Book Snob Sue

    ★★★★★ “I was blown away by how much I loved the couple instantly. I fell in love with Grizz exceptionally quickly. For a split second, he was ALMOST my favorite character, but nobody can replace Rhork in my heart!” - Jace, Amazon reviewer

    ★★★★ “If life didn't get in the way I could have probably read the whole thing in one sitting. He is neck and neck with my favorite grumpy hero Krisoxx. How E.Stephens make aliens fine as hell and so sexy is beyond me.” - Kayla, Amazon reviewer

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